After a good night’s sleep, the team was ready for a full first day of ministry. We started out at the prison, where we sang several songs and played two hilarious games with the prisoners. Mr. Fulfer preached and several prisoners came forward to accept Christ or to make things right with the Lord.

A kind lady from Subic Bay Baptist Church provided our lunch at a local restaurant, then it was off to the Mayor’s office. The team met with the City Administrator first and sang songs for him in tagalog. Since the Mayor was out of town, we met with the Vice Mayor next, and he pulled in all the City Counsellors. We sang our tagalog songs for them and also introduced ourselves in tagalog. They seemed to enjoy hearing our best American renditions of their language. We were glad for the opportunity to connect with Olongapo City leadership and see their vision for their city.

Just before supper, we spent some time passing out fliers for the youth fellowship planned for Saturday. Please pray that many teens will come to enjoy the time and hear the gospel.

Tomorrow we will host an all-day VBS at the children’s home. Pray for many to attend and for the girls who will be teaching Bible stories to clearly present the message of salvation. Thank you to all who have been praying for us. We trust that the Lord will continue to bless our efforts as we seek to honor Him.