Wednesday was FILLED with new people and new opportunities. After experiencing a traditional Filipino breakfast of champorado (chocolate rice pudding) and pandesal (sweet bread), the team split up to go to Subic Bay Baptist church’s hospital and police ministries. Each group sang, shared the gospel, and prayed with people at their respective locations. Seeing the hospital is always especially eye-opening, since it is quite different from our American medical facilities.

As soon as we arrived back at the children’s home, over 150 children from surrounding neighborhoods were waiting to get started with their VBS. Several team members taught the children new songs, Bible verses, and Bible stories. We ended the time with each age group giving a special presentation of what they had learned.

After relaxing and shooting hoops with the kids for the rest of the afternoon, we headed to Amazing Grace Baptist Church in San Pablo for the Wednesday evening service. Pastor Alvin Fulfer and his family have a wonderful ministry there and we enjoyed sweet fellowship with their church members.

Please continue to pray for good health, strength, and sensitivity to the needs around us. We’re so grateful for the opportunities to minister to these people, and have been both blessed and challenged by their example and faithfulness.