Friday morning we hosted a basketball clinic at the children’s home. The guys split attendees into groups and taught basic skills drills, then had them play a little. The group gathered for a gospel presentation, then ended the clinic with an awards ceremony.  

In the afternoon, several team members joined the children on a hike down to the river behind the children’s home property. As you can tell from the clouds, the rainy season has definitely begun!

Friday nights at Subic Bay Children’s Home are called Family Fun Nights. All the staff and children have become each other’s family by God’s grace and they graciously adopted us while we have been with them. The team worked together to make tacos and cupcakes, which the children decorated themselves in an exciting competition. Some of the girls led in games and a hilarious squatty body skit after supper.


We ended the night by sharing testimonies, then watching the PCC men take on the Subic Bay Baptist Church men in a basketball game. The final score was pretty close, but the PCC guys pulled it out in the end. (Lem is an American medical student helping out at the children’s home. He’s become an honorary team member this week.)