In less than 12 hours, we’ll be boarding our flight to Manila, Philippines! God has been so very good to our team. We’re extremely grateful to all those who have given to and prayed for us. We’ve learned so much about our great God through the preparation process, and are looking forward to seeing how He continues to grow our faith and use us in ministry.

Today we got our first opportunities to share the gospel. Tim met Hunter on the flight from Pensacola to Houston and gave him a gospel tract. Then we met Rosemary in the Houston airport and Josh shared one with her as well. She shared with us that she has been searching for the meaning of life for several years. Please pray for her and for Hunter that the seeds planted will be watered.

Soon we’ll be meeting up with the rest of the team in LA to prepare for our overnight flight to Manila. The Philippines is 13 hours ahead of Central Standard Time, so we’ll have some adjusting to do when we arrive! Please continue to pray for safety, good health, and opportunities to share the gospel. Also pray that our bodies will adjust well when we arrive in the Philippines so we can be effective in our ministry. We’ll be attending Subic Bay Baptist Church in Olongapo City shortly after our arrival. They recently finished a week of VBS, so we are excited to hear about the fruits of that endeavor!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We pray God will bless you for blessing us!