Tuesday, May 29, 2018—Subic Bay Children’s Home, Olangapo City (Jail Ministry, Visit with the Vice Mayor), Sacrifice Valley
John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Our day began as Pastor Ronnie challenged us in morning devotions to “count the cost” from Luke 14:28-30. Both yesterday and today, he has been encouraging all of us to make right choices, and particularly today to consider our outlook as well as the outcome of our decisions. These principles from the Word of God are especially important to the children and teens of the Subic Bay Children’s Home as several of them have made wrong decisions and are now at the home. Praise God that we do serve the God of the 2nd chance as His grace, mercy, and love are extended beyond measure to the heart of man.

This was an exciting day! Our first stop was at the Olongapo City Jail where Pastor Odek and Subic Bay Baptist Church has a weekly ministry of hope and encouragement. Upon arriving at the jail and passing through security and series of barbed wire fences, we saw scores and scores of men and women wearing yellow shirts divided up into different sections—some behind two to three different fences and in a locked building hanging out their window in anticipation of what was about to happen. Still others began to sit down on benches in the basketball court area—the women on one side

and the men on the other. Pastor Odek welcomed them as one of the Subic Bay preacher boys led the singing and then played a game with them. Our team was able to introduce ourselves in Tagalog and sing our team song: Ligaya ng Buhay. Before Josh came and preached, Rachel, Sylvia, and Cortnie sang a beautiful special reminding each one that is doesn’t matter who they are or what they’ve done, that God gives second chances. Josh preached an encouraging and heartfelt message about needing forgiveness and accepting God’s forgiveness and the peace that comes with it. As the service was ending, we had several opportunities to pray with and encourage several individuals who signified that they needed prayer. Overall, we along with the people who attended sensed a great spirit of God’s love and hope in a place that where love and hope is greatly lacking.

After fellowshipping over lunch which included some burgers and fries, Mexican fare, and even a couple Krispy Kreme glazed donuts,we headed down to the Olangapo City Municipal Building to meet the Vice Mayor Cortez. He welcomed us to his city as well as to his office and then gave us a wonderful mental tour of the city and the surrounding area. In front of all of his office staff and visitors, we were also able to introduce ourselves in Tagalog, sing as a group, and close out our time with Cortnie singing Wala Kang Katulad. Before we left, we had a word of prayer for the Vice Mayor, his staff, and for Olangapo City that God would give them wisdom and discernment in their decisions, make principled decisions, and that God would bless them. After several pictures were taken by their office staff, Vice Mayor Cortez expressed his sincere appreciation for our visit.


On the way back to the Children’s Home, Pastor Odek took us by Sacrifice Valley—a location where devout followers of a particular religion visit several shrines paying homage to their particular god. Although it was quite interesting, it was very depressing and oppressive to all of us to see how people are in bondage. The ending highlight of the evening was when we all celebrated Victor’s birthday with cake and ice cream—a 10-year old boy who just arrived at the home today. What a welcome to the Subic Bay Children’s Home as you should have seen the smile on his face! Overall a great day of ministry and also of safety as Pastor Odek and Russell are doing an excellent job driving us from one place to another.

Even though we had a wonderful ministry of encouragement at the jail, we saw the direct effects of sin and the bondage that sin can bring. When visiting the Vice-Mayor and trying to be a blessing to him and his staff, we were reminded of God’s truth and how that it can give wisdom and blessing to the residents of a city. Whether it was 2,000 years ago or today in the Philippines, Praise God that Jesus still says that when we know the truth, it still sets men free. Do you know the truth of Jesus Christ? Have you accepted the truth of Jesus Christ? …if so, it will give you true freedom!

Our Blessings to All,
Team Philippines