Wednesday, May 30, 2018—Subic Bay Children’s Home, Hospital Visitation, Mt. Samat, Medical Clinic, Wednesday pm Church/Mini-Concert
Matthew 8:7, “And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.

Today’s ministries all seemed to have the common theme of needing to be healed—physically, emotionally, and ultimately spiritually.

Physical Healing:

  • Hospital Visitation – In the morning, Pastor Odek took our group to the Dinalupihan District Hospital so that we could be a blessing and encouragement to those who were suffering physically. Whether it was Jose who had heart issues or another fellow who was suffering from asthma, we had the opportunity to go around in the hospital for a short while and talk and pray with some of the patients. Many, many tracts were given out along with many receiving a clear Gospel witness. Dr. Cirone earned the title of “John the Baptist” from one of the visiting families while Josh and Tim and their groups had the opportunity of leading two people to the Lord which was wonderful! Even though due to the size of our group we weren’t allowed to stay and make more visits, the people that were visited were genuinely appreciative of our visit and the time we spent with them.
  • Medical Clinic – In the afternoon at Subic Bay Baptist Church, we conducted a medical clinic where all of us were involved in providing some basic health care to both the children of the Children’s Home as well as to some folks of the community. While they were waiting, the children were given some balloon animals and as they left were given a brand new tooth brush. Whether it was checking someone’s blood pressure, cleaning a wound, or administering some medicine, about 100 people received the love and care they needed all with the underlying goal of sharing the Gospel of Christ and the clear plan of salvation.

Emotional Healing:

  • Samat – After our morning Hospital visit, Pastor Odek decided to take us down to Bataan to Mt. Samat. As we arrived and looked toward the mountain, we noticed a big cross (known as Dambana ng Kagitingan) which was a memorial of the atrocities of World War II and the soldiers that died during the Bataan Death March. Upon arriving to the top of the mountain, one could easily see and understand why the Japanese thought this was a strategic location to secure as it gave instant visibility to the valley and rice plains below. As we walked through the World War II Museum and looked at the pictures and read the news clips, it was quite an emotional experience to see what the Filipino people experienced at the hands of the enemy. It also gave insight as to why the United States and the Philippines are very close friends and allies as General Douglas McArthur kept his word to return to the Pacific and eventually defeated the Japanese aggressors. PS: Coty was excited as he met some people from Ohio!

Spiritual Healing:

  • Wednesday Evening Service – We were able to close out our day with a great Wednesday evening service at Subic Bay Baptist Church. As we joined together in song and heard a couple of the girls from the Children’s Home sing a couple specials, it helped join our hearts together in praise and worship to our Lord Jesus Christ. Rachel and Sylvia sang a trio with Abby from the Children’s Home, and Coty preached from Philippians 2:5-11 about the Excellency of Christ. Afterward our group was able to conduct a mini-concert singing several familiar hymns and songs as well as reading passages of Scripture. At the close of the service after Pastor Ted prayed, he encouraged all of us to stay around and fellowship which was ordained of God as during the fellowship time two more people trusted Christ as their Savior!

Even though all of the ministries today involved either physical or emotional healing, the ultimate goal was to provide spiritual healing whether through prayer, encouragement, or sharing the Gospel either by word or through a tract. Praise the Lord that at least four people today received spiritual healing as Jesus still says today, “I will come and heal him.”

All is well as we so much appreciate your prayers!
Team Philippines