Sunday, June 10, 2018—Arriving Home Safe and Sound, Testimony Time
Psalm 136:1, “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

Ok, so do any of you remember your Youth Group days when you participated in those progressive youth dinners? A progressive dinner was where the youth group would go to the first person’s home for an appetizer, and then go to the next person’s home for the first part of the meal, and then go to the next person’s home for the second part of the meal, and then finish up at the last person’s home for the dessert. In order to get closure on our trip, finishing up Team Philippines’ Updates in the next couple of days will sort of be like a progressive dinner but backwards–known as “regressive” Updates. So, here we go looking backwards over the last couple of days of our trip…

Yes, we have all arrived home safe and sound AND with all our luggage too which is a wonderful answer to prayer. It was somewhat interesting that on Saturday a typhoon passed over Manila after which the thought of flying out on that Sunday was a little worrisome. But without much fanfare and a little rain, we took off on Sunday morning without any incident and headed across the Pacific Ocean toward Los Angeles. Other than experiencing some turbulence where a couple of people gasped out loud, noticing that our tailwind speed at one point was 113 mph, and that at 37,000 feet it can get pretty cold (-61 degrees to be exact), we arrived into LAX around 9:45 am. Bravo to the team on Philippine Airline flight 112 as they did a great job keeping us comfortable and well-stocked with food.

Team Philippines would like to sincerely thank our God and our Lord Jesus Christ for this experience. God has worked and continues to work in our hearts as the trip was heart-touching. We think you’ll be pleased and inspired once Pastor JR is finished with our 2018 Team Philippines video which will soon be posted on our YOM Team Philippines website. Finally, we would like to thank all of our faithful supporters in prayer and in finances as God took your bountiful and generous gifts of time and talents and used them for His honor and glory. Truly, fruit continues to remain and has also been added to your account. Praise God for His goodness!

Finally, we would like to share our heartfelt testimonies from the trip. Although the sun has set on our 2018 missions trip to the Philippines, the sights, sounds, and burden of and for the Filipino people continues to burn brightly within our hearts. To God Be the Glory, for Great Things He hath Done!

Team Philippines