Wednesday began with an early trip to Marikit Park (Pretty Park). The goal of the excursion was to help make the park pretty again by clearing trash and debris.

Several children from the children’s home joined us and we made great progress! Mrs. Annalise Valbuena, one of the missionaries at the children’s home, is a member of the local Rotary Club of Subic Pearl. When they heard about the effort, they also decided to join. We had a great time cleaning together and getting to know one another!

One of the Rotary Club members owns a local coffee shop, so we stopped in after the clean up and the team enjoyed coffee and catching up with family and friends on the internet.

We worshipped Wednesday evening with Amazing Grace Baptist Church in San Pablo. Mr. Fulfer’s brother Alvin and his family minister there. They recently built a new auditorium after theirs was nearly destroyed in a fire about a year and a half ago. Several team members provided music, and Will preached an excellent message about not complaining. God’s truth crossed cultural lines and spoke deeply to us all.

Their congregation sings beautifully and we enjoyed praising God’s name together, then fellowshipping over pancit and Filipino fried chicken afterward.

Things are falling into routine here and we’re becoming more and more a family each day. We know our days at Subic Bay are coming to an end quickly, and we plan to cherish each moment!

Thursday we’ll visit a local hospital for visitation, then the girls will help with a Ladies Conference being held at Subic Bay Baptist Church. The guys will take some time with the children’s home boys to teach them some principles of manhood.

Please continue to pray for souls to be saved and the Subic Bay Children’s Home family to be encouraged by our time together. We are so thankful for continued good health – we are confident your prayers are making a difference. Thank you for your part in our ministry!