Saturday we split up into small groups and accompanied the Bible students at Subic Bay Baptist Bible Institute to their weekly feeding centers. Several of the girls taught Bible stories, then the team members helped serve food to the kids. The Bible students feed these kids each week and teach them. It’s clear they’ve been under the influence of God’s Word. Many of them have minds full of Scripture – in English no less!

The team also experienced their first jeepney ride as we dropped of each group at their feeding center. It’s the best way to ride Filipino-style.

After we got cleaned up and rested a bit, we celebrated the first birthday of the little boy of one of the workers. We enjoyed celebrating with the Subic Bay family and, of course, eating cake!

Sunday morning we’ll join Subic Bay Baptist Church for worship, then attend a young church plant to help with evening worship. Our time here is quickly coming to a close, and we’re thankful for the new friends we’ve made!

Thank you for continuing to pray for us! We are still healthy and safe, and we know it’s due to our faithful friends and family praying at home!