Sunday morning we attended Subic Bay Baptist Church. Several of the girls helped teach kids’ Sunday School. Nick taught the teen guys and Rachel taught the teen girls. Mr. Fulfer preached in church from Hebrews 12.

After a quick Sunday afternoon nap, we packed up and headed to Pampanga to a 2 year old church plant. Brother Andrew, one of the men from Subic Bay Baptist, planted the church in his home area and it’s doing well! About 50 children attended. We enjoyed playing games and singing songs, and Jacob gave a gospel presentation.

Tomorrow we’ll sleep in a bit and head out for some R&R. We plan to go to a zoo where we can feed tigers and alligators! The team is doing great, but sad to see our time at Subic Bay come to an end. We plan to take the girls out for a special time Monday night, then we’ll spend our last evening together with the kids and staff, and pack up to leave early Tuesday morning for Quezon City.

Although we’ll miss our friends at Subic Bay, we’re excited for the next phase of ministry God has for us!