After a long four-year hiatus (and cancelling our 2020 trip due to COVID), it is great to finally be back on the YOM Summer Mission trip roster. Along with Mr. Fulfer, it is also wonderful to have Mrs. Cirone assisting the ladies as God has given us a godly, excellent, and multi-talented team of 16 Pensacola Christian College students as well as Isaac–Mr. Fulfer’s son. After meeting several times throughout the semester and practicing everything from our Tagalog introductions to our special music to our sermons and Bible stories, the team is ready to minister in the Philippines.

Within the last 24-hours, members of the team arrived into Los Angeles excited about the opportunities ahead of them. Now, we sit in the Tom Bradley International Terminal at LAX awaiting our 12:50 am departure to Taipei and then onward to Manila. Today, we spent our remaining time working on our special music, packing/weighing our suitcases (with many right at the 50 lbs. max), and spending quality time together in fellowship. Of course, a trip to Los Angeles/LAX would not be complete without a stop at In-N-Out Burger.

It was a blessing having the Dayrits stop by during our day as their daughter Eyla was scheduled to go on the 2020 trip before it was cancelled due to COVID–she is so excited to finally having the opportunity to travel. Mr. Fulfer just challenged all of us throughout our trip to adhere to and practice the famous phrase: No Reserves, No Retreat, No Regrets! Of course, this can only be done as each one of us continue to surrender ourselves to God’s perfect will and the Spirit’s leading in sharing the Lord Jesus Christ with people that God brings across our paths.

A special and heartfelt thanks to all our donors and prayer partners as we seek to maximize our ministry opportunities. As we have opportunity throughout our trip to check in, please continue to pray for our team as you follow us throughout the next two weeks (see schedule below). One more hour, and our plan departs to the wonderful country of the Philippines!

Our Love and Appreciation to You All!

2024 YOM Team Philippines