Metroview Baptist Church, Antipolo (Saturday)
Welcome to the Philippines! Arriving on Saturday into Manila around noon, BIMI missionaries Chris and Ivy Hurst had their crew of three vehicles pick us up (and our 50-60+ pieces of luggage) to head to their home in Antipolo. It was amazing watching our drivers zip and zag through the traffic of Manila (PS: According to a 2023 TomTom Traffic Index of 387 cities in 55 countries, Manila has the worst traffic in the world!). It was very impressive that Pastor Hurst has adapted incredibly well over the years and drives like a true Filipino (and safely too). In fact, one of their native drivers, Aldrin, had trouble keeping up with Pastor Chris in the traffic.

God has greatly blessed the Hursts in allowing the majority of our team (Mr. Fulfer and Isaac/the Cirones/the girls) to stay in their home with the guys being able to stay about 3 minutes away at BIMI missionaries Tom and Jen Behman’s home. Throughout our stay, both the Hursts and the Behmans went above and beyond to be a blessing to our team and allow us so many opportunities to minister to Metroview Baptist Church. On Saturday evening, the team was able to conduct a Youth Rally with about 30-40 present and did a wonderful job considering they were preaching (Jaken)/teaching (Callie)/running games (Alexandr and Ali)/giving testimonies (Sara) and giving our Tagalog introductions (all) all under the influence of jetlag.

God gave strength, and all were encouraged and had an enjoyable time fellowshipping and bonding with each other. To assist our bodies in adjusting to the jetlag, our goal was to have everyone stay up until at least 8:00 pm–the team definitely earned their sleep tonight! Thank you, Pastor Hurst, for allowing us to minister to the youth!
One prayer request would be for Aldrin’s son, Adrian, who experienced a construction accident (falling from an overpass) and is in the hospital awaiting back surgery (they will be inserting a rod). I know they would appreciate your prayers. Thank you for all your prayers for us!
Team Philippines