Thanking God–Stats and Team testimonies

Praise God for His goodness as we had a great trip and a great team. The team esprit de corps/dynamics/unity was excellent all throughout the trip as there were absolutely no issues. Everyone was proactive in their approach to ministry opportunities, and it was...

the last stand

Metro Independent Baptist Church Services, Quezon City (Sunday) Our last update is brought to you by Mr. Fulfer who is our 2024 YOM Team Philippines leader! Thank you, Mr. Fulfer, for everything you did to make this trip most memorable and successful for the glory of...

A Tough Situation in Payatas

Bethesda Independent Baptist Church Youth Camp/Payatas Bible Clubs & Feedings, Quezon City (Friday/Saturday) Today’s update brought to you by Mrs. Cirone and Cave–thank you for your insights! Friday Friday morning we left Tarlac early for a 2+ hour...

being schooled

Tulabots Home/Tarlac Christian College, Tarlac (Thursday) Thank you, Cave, for again taking the time to write another update! We were allowed to sleep in a bit with breakfast at 8am – 8:30am. Breakfast consisted of pink hotdogs, Pandesal (Filipinos like...

A Quick Stopover

Cross Trail Children Refuge Home, Tarlac (Wednesday) Appreciate so much having Cave on the team and writing today’s update–this is his 3rd time serving as a member on YOM Team Philippines! Take it away, Cave… Wednesday was a different and emotional...