Family Day/ReCharge Youth Rally, Olongapo (Friday)
We’ve appreciated having Christine on our team and for writing today’s update, so, Christine take it away…
On Friday, we got to spend the whole day at the children’s home with the orphans. After breakfast and devotions, we hosted a series of workshops for the children to participate in. The workshops varied from crafts, to basketball, to science experiments, to baking, to juggling. I got to work with Adi to teach the children how to work with puppets, and it was so much fun! We had several sessions to give the children a chance to come to every workshop. A lot of the boys enjoyed the basketball session, and all of the girls loved the makeover session, where they got their hair and makeup done and then had their pictures taken. After the workshops, we prepared a meal for the children. We served a Mexican cuisine with enchiladas and nachos. It was masarap (which means delicious in Tagalog)! After lunch we had the afternoon to rest and to spend more time with the kids.

In the evening, we helped Subic Bay Baptist Church in hosting a youth rally. Many of the youth from the children’s home came out, as well as youth groups from other churches in the area. The group was split up into two teams: red vs. blue. We opened the service with an icebreaker game, introduced our missions team, and then had more team competition. Samuel and Sarah were the blue team leaders, Mike and Marion were the red team leaders, and Jaken and Kaitlyn led the games. Before the message, Kaitlyn sang a song in Tagalog and invited the congregation to sing along with her. Then Alex preached a message titled “Cry Out to Jesus” that focused on salvation and on giving our problems over to Christ. The Lord moved as many young people came forward and prayed during the invitational. After the rally, a dinner was provided where the youth enjoyed fellowship with one another. It was a great time to get to know more of the young people in the area!