Subic Bay Children’s Home, Good News Hoops, Local Attractions, Subic Bay/Olongapo (Monday/Tuesday)
Thanks to Mrs. Cirone for writing this update!
Monday was our day off. We were able to sleep in, however, we were woken up by the children wanting us to wake up and be with them. After breakfast, we were able to give gifts to the children and also some of the workers. A lot of tears were shed since all knew that the time at Subic was quickly going by. We were able to experience the markets for some souvenirs and were thankful for our Filipino friends who helped us get better prices. We also walked through the wet market which is where produce, meat, and other food items were sold. It was a bit strange seeing pig heads, legs, etc. Afterwards, we ate at a really nice restaurant at a golf course restaurant (the prices were really inexpensive). On the way back to the children’s home, we were able to stop and see monkeys beside the road. We were able to rest a bit, and then we headed over to the Valbuena’s for an amazing dinner with the Good News Hoops mission group headed by Evangelist Brent Gellos (PCC alumna). Afterwards, a person from Subic Bay Baptist Church shared survival training tips for being out in the Philippine jungle. We learned how to make a fire with bamboo, cook rice in a section of bamboo, and which vines include water and which vines could be crushed to make dandruff shampoo. It was quite interesting! Afterwards, some played basketball and others fellowshipped or rested.

Tuesday was our last full day at Subic–the day started with breakfast and devotions, and then most of our team joined the Good News Hoops group for an evangelistic basketball workshop. During the day, Samuel designed a special birthday cake for Moses and cupcakes for the entire children’s home and attendees. We all were able to experience an amazing Filipino birthday party which included special traditions. After the party, the Good News Hoops team and our group were given the opportunity to try a Filipino delicacy—-balut. Several of our group tried it and said it tasted like a hard boiled egg.