Metro Independent Baptist Church Services, Quezon City (Sunday)
Our last update is brought to you by Mr. Fulfer who is our 2024 YOM Team Philippines leader! Thank you, Mr. Fulfer, for everything you did to make this trip most memorable and successful for the glory of God!
Sunday was our last day in the Philippines. We were able to participate in the 21st anniversary of the Tulabots’ church in Quezon City, now called Metro Independent Baptist church. Dr. Cirone did an excellent job preaching on Metro Independent’s theme of “Grace upon Grace,” and all of our teammates also participated in teaching various Sunday school classes consisting of children, teens, college age adults, and adults. At the conclusion of the morning service, over 70 of the guests made professions of faith. Following the morning service, we held a small graduation ceremony for the Tulabots’ daughter Chelsea who had graduated in December of 2023 from PCC but was unable to participate in the graduation this past May. We presented her a graduation cap and tassel along with a signed copy of Dr. Horton’s biography. To conclude the graduation ceremony, Dr. Cirone led in a prayer of dedication for Chelsea.

After the morning service, our team took the kids from the Tulabots’ children’s home out for lunch at the mall there in Quezon City. Each team member paired up with one of the kids and let them decide where they were going to eat lunch. After lunch, the kids were treated to desserts and toys of their choosing. We concluded the day with an evening service where I preached on the keys to “Finishing the Course.” After the service, the Tulabots hosted a church fellowship with five different churches and served dinner to everyone who attended. After the evening service, we stayed at the church to pack up for our flight back home.

For all those who partnered with us—thank you! Thank you for your prayers, your financial support, and your donations of items for us to take to the Philippines. With your help, we were able to reach over 3,000 people with the Gospel. We had over 100 professions of faith. To God be the glory!