Praise God for His goodness as we had a great trip and a great team. The team esprit de corps/dynamics/unity was excellent all throughout the trip as there were absolutely no issues. Everyone was proactive in their approach to ministry opportunities, and it was wonderful seeing each team member use their talents (and develop new ones) for the glory of God.
We are truly thankful as we had the opportunity to minister to approximately 3,423 people and saw 109 salvation decisions for Christ. The team had the privilege of ministering to 5 different missionaries and in 9 different churches. The various ministry opportunities of preaching, teaching, sharing testimonies, providing special music, running games and other activities, and fellowshipping/providing discipleship were conducted in…
26 Church Services/Related Ministries (e.g., Sunday School classes, AM, Junior Church, PM, Midweek, Mission Churches, etc.)
7 Bible Clubs/Feedings
5 Youth Rallies/Camp/Activities
5 Police Station Ministries
5 Morning Devotionals
3 Children’s Home/Activities
3 Mayor/Government Office Visits
1 Jail Ministry
1 Police/Military Character Enhancement Conference
1 Ladies Fellowship
1 Leadership Conference/Consulting
1 Ministerial men’s session
1 Evangelistic Community Outreach (with Pensacola Christian College alumnus Brent Gellos)
Thank you to our team leaders (Mr. Fulfer, Mrs. Cirone) for your effective leadership, thank you to our team members for your faithful service, thank you to our donors for providing over $50,000 in donations, and thank you to all our prayer partners for your fervent prayers as to God be the glory–for great things He hath done!
Enjoy reading the following individual team member trip testimonies and see firsthand how God has worked and pray will continue to work in their hearts and lives!
Trip Testimony – Marion Browning

This trip to the Philippines wasn’t a part of my plan for this year. I was set on leaving any major ministry experiences for when I could afford them, whether that would be later on in college or even after college. But God had a greater purpose for my summer. He miraculously provided the funds needed and made the seemingly impossible preparations possible. Being a part of this year’s team truly gave me a renewed passion for missions. The Filipino people welcomed us with the warmest smiles and willingly gave us all that they had to offer. Visiting several mission fields allowed me to see firsthand the beautiful footprint these ministries have left on their communities. We visited some of the poorest neighborhoods, a prison, and several orphanages, all unexpectedly reflecting the hope of Christ.
Spending the majority of our trip working with the kids at the orphanages was definitely the highlight of our time there. I was able to prepare most of the crafts and had so much fun seeing their creative sides. It touched my heart to see broken and abandoned kids find joy in a loving home. They were some of the happiest kids I’ve ever known, always laughing and singing.
My favorite part about the trip was being able to visit the mission churches all over Luzon. Serving these diverse groups of believers helped me to truly comprehend the beautiful Christian family I’m a part of. Each of these churches embraced us and were so eager to chat and take photos with us. I loved driving and boating throughout this beautiful country, visiting churches and missions that allowed me to experience the Philippine’s rich culture to the fullest.
Trip Testimony – Christine Cherubin

This mission’s trip was truly an incredible experience. Having never left the country before, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. But this trip proved to be one I’ll never forget. We had the opportunity to serve so many diverse ministries, from mission churches, to prison ministries, to orphanages, and much more. The Filipino people are some of the kindest and sweetest people I’ve ever met, and it was such an honor to get to serve them. Some of my favorite moments were simply spending time with the kids at the Subic Bay Children’s Home. We had the opportunity to stay there for over a week, which allowed us to form relationships with the children. Hearing them play and sing every morning and watching them shower love on my team was one of my favorite things. It was a blessing to serve both the children’s home and the church. Through this trip, the Lord has taught me to actively look for ways that I can serve Him, even in little ways. I’m so very thankful for the opportunity to visit this beautiful country!
Trip Testimony – Eyla Dayrit

At the start of this trip, I didn’t have the right mindset. I was making excuses on how I was so tired and all the things I had to do before this trip. I really asked God to give me a better attitude and rekindle my joy for Him. as we started this trip, I saw the need of the kids and the people. my heart is always with the kids and the people in the Subic Bay Children’s Home. it was people like them that made me realize that that was why I was there: to show God’s love and live out His love to others. I am so thankful to have been a part of this mission’s trip. I learned that family is not always by blood, but it is also by the connections you make with people along the way. not only did I learn to love my culture even more, but I also learned to love my God even more. He has shown me that no matter where we come from, God loves you. When we serve the Lord, we begin to delight in Him (Psalm 37:04). He also reminds us to always glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.
Trip Testimony – Isaac Fulfer

The ability to go on this trip has truly been a blessing. Over the course of the trip we were given the opportunity of being able to visit a number of different churches, host several youth rallies and Bible clubs, and help with different feeding ministries. We were also able to help with police ministries, a jail ministry, and three different children’s homes. Being a part of these different ministries has allowed me to see the faithfulness and dedication of the people we were able to serve alongside with and I am very thankful for the work they do in the Philippines. I am very thankful that me and my team were able to be a blessing to many during our time in the Philippines. The different ministries, opportunities, and people of this mission trip have greatly influenced my life and I am so grateful to have been a part of it.
Trip Testimony – Sierra Graham

I had an amazing experience going with Team Philippines this summer! The trip was even more exciting than I thought it would be. We were told before the trip that Filipinos were very friendly people but wow, they were the politest people I’ve ever met! Even the kids in the orphanages who were abused were the most respectful and happiest people I’ve ever seen. I loved how Filipinos sang loudly and with such joy. My favorite part of the trip was visiting the island where the people had no modern accommodations. Two local boys took us up a mountain and went into the ocean to bring us live blue starfish back. In order to get here, we took about an hour boat ride which was absolutely beautiful! The remote mission churches were so much fun to minister to and we also got to give each family some food. I also had the opportunity to speak at a woman’s fellowship. I spoke on the topic of Irresistible Beauty meaning that the beauty that others cannot resist does not come from our outward appearance but on our inward Godly character. I loved watching the kids at the orphanages as well. I cannot wait to go on another mission’s trip next summer and see what God continues to do in my life!
Trip Testimony – Sara Hamilton

When I first prayed about going to the Philippines, I didn’t know all that God had in store for me. As we started the trip, I didn’t know what to expect and what we were about to do. Yes, I had a schedule, but the schedule never has the people and lives God has you encounter and meet. My favorite memories and time spent on this trip was at the Subic Bay Children’s Home. At this orphanage the children have gone through so much, yet they are still happy with what they have in the present. Here the Lord started working in my heart to be content and also about the future. I have always had a desire in my heart for missions, but I didn’t know what type of mission work. While I was at the orphanage, I was able to put some basic nursing skills to use and care for some people on an island mission church we visited. This visit opened my eyes and heart to the possibility of using my nursing skills to help those who don’t have the ability or access to a hospital. The orphanage has a medical clinic that needs someone to run it full time, and the Lord also burdened my heart for this ministry. The children at the orphanage are all so sweet and caring. I went to be a blessing to them, but they were a very huge blessing to me. While there we ministered through children’s camps, Bible clubs, prison ministries, and local outreach. The feeding ministries allowed us to feed the children from the dump and then we gave a gospel presentation and a lesson. We assisted local and mission churches by helping with their church services and special music. God has really worked in my life through this mission’s trip and through all the different people, places, and experiences that He has allowed me to experience.
Trip Testimony – Jaken Harlan

I am deeply grateful and honored to have participated in the 2024 Team Philippines missions’ trip. Throughout this journey, God taught me invaluable lessons, and I witnessed incredible moments I never imagined I’d experience. It was awe-inspiring to see God work through each of us in such powerful ways. I had the privilege of preaching, teaching lessons, and leading Sunday school. We also enjoyed playing games with the children and giving them gifts and candy. This trip has profoundly changed my perspective on life. I now hold a special place in my heart for the people of the Philippines and the dedicated missionaries serving there. I feel a calling towards mission work, and this is something I will continuously keep in mind and pray about moving forward.
Trip Testimony – Callie Hogan

I am so blessed that I was able to be a part of YOM Team Philippines 2024. This mission’s trip had a greater impact on my life than I ever expected it would. Before leaving for the trip, I was worried about my Bible lessons I had to get ready, trying to make sure that they were “good enough”. When we got to the Philippines, I quickly realized that the people there were not going to judge me for what I was teaching. The people were so welcoming and caring, and the Lord used that to provide me with peace and remind me that it was about how I taught the lesson but rather how the message got through to the hearts of the children I was there to reach. My attitude quickly changed from being focused on self to focusing on those I was there to reach, and I’m so glad that the Lord pointed it out to me at the very beginning of the trip. As the trip went on, I was blessed to be able to teach, pray for, and love on many children. Many children in the Philippines are put into bad situations and go through things that no child (or person) should ever have to face. When I met these children though, I never could have imagined what they had been through because they were some of the most joyful children I have ever met. The Lord used their attitudes to convict me of my own attitude sometimes. Even though these children had every right to be bitter and angry about what they had gone through, they chose joy. Their attitudes reminded me of Philippians 4:11 which says, “For I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Throughout the trip, I prayed that God would use me to make a difference in the lives of these children there, and while I believe that the Lord did use me to make a difference in their lives, I know that He allowed those children to make a bigger impact on my life than I ever thought possible. As I left the Philippines, I left a piece of my heart there as well, and I pray that the Lord allows me to go back again and be used by Him in whatever way He chooses.
Trip Testimony – Lance Karp

For a while, I have been wanting to do more for God. This trip gave me the opportunity to do that. Many of the people that we met with were just happy that we took the time to minister to them. For me, I was impressed by the amount of joy that they showed in serving the Lord. They were legitimately happy to go to church and fellowship; more than I have seen in churches at home before. That was encouraging. For me, I really enjoyed just talking to people one on one, hopefully showing God’s love to them. God certainly showed me how He is working, and I am grateful the He enabled me to go.
Trip Testimony – Logan Karp

This trip was the first missions’ trip I had ever been on. I didn’t know what to expect, but it turned out to be such a blessing to see God’s work. We went to several mission churches, where people really had almost nothing. Yet the people there were still worshipping the Lord through all kinds of weather. It showed me just how important God is in their lives. We had a service where police and army personnel came. Seeing the people there go and accept Christ there was simply amazing. We went to several children’s homes. The ministering to the kids there gave me such joy, but I think we were much more of a blessing to the children. It was worth every effort to be on this mission trip. I learned a lot, and will have a different perspective on missions from now on .
Trip Testimony – Kaitlynn Lawley

Joining a mission’s team was pressed upon my heart, and being able to join the Philippines 2024 team was such a blessing. I saw a lot of what I expected to see in the Philippines. However, there was a lot I didn’t expect. I didn’t expect the people to be such a giving people, regardless of how little they had. To see orphans who have had devastating lives, everything taken from them, and yet they are happy and cheerful. That shows the literal definition of what the joy of the Lord can do. I also saw people live in piles of trash looking for anything to use or sell because they have nothing. Yet you see vehicles that still have written “to God be the glory, and the God that provides.” I came to be a blessing and an encouragement to the Philippine people, but in the end, they are the ones who blessed and encouraged my heart. This trip allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, and because of it, I can more confidently share the Gospel of Christ.
Trip Testimony – Grace Majmundar

I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to go to the Philippines on this Missions trip. I didn’t know what an impact it would have on me. Truthfully, as the trip neared, I did not feel like going. I was very busy, and because of that, I was exhausted. I did not have the best attitude about the trip. Little did I know, God would use this trip in a great way in my life. My favorite part of the trip, and where God really got a hold of my heart was the Subic Bay Children’s Home. There, I met over 50 children, some of who have been mistreated and gone through so much that I could never imagine going through. Yet, if I did not know that, I would never have been able to tell. These kids were some of the sweetest and happiest kids. Every morning I would wake up and walk down the stairs to be greeted by their sweet “Ate Grace, Ate Grace!” They took an effort to remember my name and all my other team members names and had it down so quickly. They had so much joy and happiness, even though they had so little. I felt convicted of how even though I have way more than they do, I am not as happy as they are. I witnessed firsthand the truths I had known in my head my whole life. Happiness is not found in what you own or have. It is found in Jesus. Joy comes through serving Jesus. Because of Jesus, we can be content in whatever state we are. Throughout my time in the Philippines, I realized the emptiness of the things I had previously held in high value and sought after. God reminded me once again that true satisfaction is found in Him alone. When I left the Philippines, I was different than how I had come. Not only had the children and staff become my family, but God had worked on my heart and I had new motivation to live my life for Him. I know it is cliché to say that a Missions trip changed my life, but this definitely had a big lasting impact on me. I will forever treasure the memories I made and the time I had in the Philippines and hope to visit again soon.
Trip Testimony – Samuel Sainsbury

The Philippines was a great blessing. I was thoroughly encouraged by what I saw in each place. What stood out to me the most was how happy the people were. No matter what their circumstance was, the kids were always cheerful and happy. Specifically, Subic Bay was where I was touched the most. It was also where I saw God use my gifts that he has given me for his glory. At the children’s home in Subic Bay, I ended up baking a cake for a kid’s birthday. When going on this trip, I never imagined that I would be baking a cake for a kid’s birthday, but I was able to be a blessing because of that. There were also other times when I saw how God used me through planning previously. Things that at the time I didn’t know why I was doing it, but later saw how God used it. I’m very grateful for the opportunity I had and hope to possibly return again.
Trip Testimony – Adi Stephens

The people in the Philippines are so open to hearing the gospel. Someone simply must take it to them. We were able to openly share God’s Word and the plan of salvation with so many groups of people. From jail inmates, to police officers, to government officials, and even to several mayors. Each time, I was amazed by the warm acceptance and welcoming attitudes of the people. At one of the jail ministries I was able to pray with several pregnant Muslim women. The women seemed so thankful that I did something as simple as talk and pray with them and we saw several saved that day. My favorite part of the trip was the week we spent at Subic Bay Children’s Home. I don’t think words can adequately describe the experience or the way God worked in my heart. Some of the children there have been through unspeakable things, yet the joy and happiness they had was undeniable. Only a few minutes after arriving, I remember walking outside to hear a group of about 10 kids crowded around singing “At Calvary” with some of the girls on our team. This specific moment stuck out to me for 3 reasons. The first being, we didn’t know these kids and they didn’t know us, yet we were all praising the Lord together. The second being, they actually knew all the words & verses of the song without a hymnal. Thirdly, it was really hot outside so everyone was sticky & sweaty, but there were only smiles all around. As the week went on, I was continuously impressed by the kids love for singing and the number of hymns they knew word for word. Leaving the Children’s Home was really difficult, but God used this trip to realign my focus on Him. He gave me a fresh perspective on serving and an attitude of thankfulness for all the ways He has blessed my life.
Trip Testimony – Cave Vidal

I just want to say, what a God we serve! I am so very glad He has given me an opportunity to be part of this year’s summer Missions Trip to the Philippines. Isaac Fulfer said it best during his interview, we came to inspire the kids and adults but it ended up us getting inspired by them. So much to write up about the amazing experiences we had gone through but I’ll do my best.
We were able to help many missionaries and pastors. Pastor Hurst and his wife, Pastor Teddy and Ligaya Fulfer, Pastor Odek and Mrs. Annalisa Valbuena, The Tulabots (Both doctors), and many local Filipino Pastors.
We were able to help with the Youth Rally, Sunday school and Sunday services in Antipolo with Pastor and Mrs. Hurst. It did rain a lot, but it did help cool the weather as we adjusted to Philippines heat. Yes, we were all tired and jet lagged but it didn’t stop us from serving with a great heart and smile in our faces. The Hursts and another missionary family were very kind to let us stay in their homes for couple nights. They made sure to feed us as much as we could eat, and I was very happy to eat Filipino food. We were so blessed by their kindness and respectfulness. Pastor Hurst gave his testimony on how the Lord led him to mission’s work, especially in the Philippines. I can say for my team that we were inspired and touched by his testimony, reminding us that God can use all of us, regardless who we are and what our background is—whether you’re a nurse, teacher, or even an engineer.
After helping the Hursts, we spent most of our time in Olongapo, Subic Bay, particularly Pastor Teddy Fulfer and his ministries in the Subic Bay Children’s Home where they house many orphans. It was a busy week. We helped with their Jail ministry, singing and sharing the gospel and food with the local prisoners in the Olongapo jail. Subic Bay Church hosted many events like a Youth Rally, a Ladies’ Fellowship, local police forces and army leadership, and their music festival. We also helped with sharing the gospel and thanking local police and BPAT, thanking them for their service in the communities. We helped with their local pastors with Bible clubs, preaching and music, cleaning their church building, and feeding. Even though it rained and there was no AC, we enjoyed being a part of these opportunities to show Christ’s love to all. When we were not out, we spent time with the children as much as we could, and had many different learning sessions like how to yo-yo, perform simple medical procedures, conduct puppets, etc. The kids brought so much joy to all of us as we got to know them and spend time with them. We even partnered up with Good News Hoops Ministry for their basketball clinics. One day, we spent quite a bit of time with Pastor John Mark and his ministry in Patmos Island. Saying goodbye was hard for all us after we put so much investment in the kid’s lives—many tears were shed.
We spent the last 4 days in Tarlac City and Quezon City, helping out Pastor Alvin and the Tulabots.
In Tarlac, we partnered up with Pastor Alvin and his ministry. We had a special Wednesday night service with many locals attending. It definitely rained a lot and it did make it hard, especially the sound. Even with these conditions, it didn’t deter us from singing and sharing the gospel. We were also able to give out food as well. Afterwards, we ate and enjoyed spending time with the kids and staff. We also were able to be part of the Tarlac Christian College Leadership Conference led by Dr. Ruth Tulabot. I did feel bad for my teammates as it was hard for them to listen in English and Tagalog. We spent the nights at the Tulabots, with 7 guys in one cabin with one toilet and one shower 🙂 🙂 The last two days, we helped the Tulabots with their ministries in Quezon City, and staying the nights in a local hotel. The biggest one was the feeding ministry in Payatas, a town built around the garbage dump. We had Bible clubs with the kids, and then helped serve them with Champorado (chocolate rice porridge). We also helped with a youth rally and Sunday services, helping to celebrate their anniversary.
Trip Testimony – Alexandr Weaver

This trip has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Getting to see Christianity through the lens of a different culture has been an experience I will not soon forget. Seeing how excited even the children were to participate in the services and associated ministries was such an encouragement to me. To know that there are young people all over the globe that desire to serve the Lord is one of the biggest things I will take away from this trip. Additionally, God worked in my life to encourage me to begin supporting a young missionary couple with a mission church stationed in Saug. This ultimately is the purpose of these trips. Yes, we are there to share the Gospel and be an encouragement to the missionaries there, but if there is no lasting change in anyone’s life then the trip is worthless. Therefore, seeing lasting change in the salvation of the locals is number one, but seeing lasting change in the lives of me and my team is number two. For some that may look like vocationally going to the Philippines as full-time missionaries, for me, it means supporting a local missionary couple in their endeavor to serve the Lord.
Trip Testimony – Michael Wood

This trip has been nothing short of amazing. I didn’t realize why God called me to this mission’s trip until right at the very end. I have made some lifelong friends, amazing memories, and most importantly life changing decisions for the Lord. This trip opened my eyes to the needs of those around the world and how much they truly need the Lord. Although they do not have the same luxuries that we have in the United States they have more joy than I have ever seen before. The singing in the churches and the genuine excitement to be serving the Lord are unlike anything I have ever seen before. Although we went on this trip to help the children and missionaries we visited, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that they have helped me so much more than I could have ever hoped to help them. Salamat and mahal kita to all!!