our field

The Land

From 10,000 feet in the air, the Philippine islands look like an adventurer’s dream. From beautiful beaches and rich tropical terrain to the booming metropolis of Manila, both city-lovers and open-air enthusiasts can find a place to enjoy.


The People

Filipinos are naturally fun-loving, joyful people who love fellowship! And that’s a good thing since the tiny islands are filled with over 100 million people! Building relationships is an easy and enjoyable part of our ministry—especially with the dozens of children we get to meet at two orphanages.

The Filipino people are laid back, hospitable, generous, and kind. They will always make sure you have plenty to eat! As you develop relationships with them, you’ll find them easy to talk to and fun to be around.

The children at the children’s homes are upbeat and enjoy showing Americans how to eat coconuts and “correctly” slice mangos. Though they are young, they’ve learned that enjoyment in life comes, not from owning great possessions, but from personally knowing a great God.


The Missions Work

The YOM Philippines team ministers on Luzon, the most densely-populated Filipino island. Catholicism and the Iglesia ni Cristo are the predominant religions. The fact that many Catholics and Iglesia members identify as Christians can pose a challenge when Bible-believing Christians share the gospel. But through faithful, patient presentation of truth each year, the Lord has allowed us to see dozens of professions of salvation and many Christians encouraged in the faith.

Our teams have served at orphanages and churches in Subic Bay, Olongapo City, and Antipolo. We’ve ministered alongside the staff in feeding ministries, medical clinics, prison and police ministries, tract distribution, hospital evangelism, and community outreach basketball clinics depending on the abilities our team members bring.

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