Team Testimonies

2015 Team Testimonies

What touched my heart the most this year was the faithfulness of those in the ministry. The missionaries gave of their time, love and money to serve and seek souls day in and day out. During one of the feeding ministries, I had the opportunity to watch Dr. Ruth share the gospel with several young mothers and lead one to the Lord. Her passion for the ministry was very evident and even though she is the president of a college, she still takes time every Saturday morning to go out and help those in need.

Amy Beth Walker

Being a part of this trip has been a tremendous blessing to me and having this opportunity has truly changed my life. Something that has left an impression in my life has been the sincere joy that the people of the Philippines. So many in the church are willing to serve and their selflessness is a challenge to me and an encouragement as well.

Jonathan Walker

God has taught me so much about His goodness during this trip. He truly is the Good Shepherd and is so Faithful to take care of us and come find us when we have wandered from the flock. The people and children that I had the privilege to meet and serve were so gracious, kind, and full of sincerity to reach the people in their cities with the love of God. I’m so encouraged to have met them and experienced a little bit of the great ministries God has called them to. God has taught me to remember His goodness in every situation of my life just as the Filipino people see His goodness throughout all their trials. He has also challenged me to continue to let Him strengthen and teach me how He can use my testimony for His glory to shine through to others who may be going through similar trials which He has allowed in my life.

Ashley Lerma

This is my second time going to the Philippines and there’s just one way to describe it: it’s more fun in the Philippines. Whether it’s hanging out with my teammates, relaxing with the children in the orphanage, or feeding hundreds of kids in Payatas God just blessed in tremendous ways. Both times I have gone to this amazing place to be a blessing to the people but they end up blessing me in indescribable ways. I am so grateful for the opportunity given to me to be a part of these amazing ministries and fellowship with these amazing people.

Jonathan Andrews

I have never experienced anything like this before. To see so much sadness but at the same time so much joy in the people there really challenged me to have joy in not just according to the way things are going in my life, but to show the joy of Christ just because I am privileged to have Him in my life.

Alyssa Loudermilk

For 3 years I knew God wanted me to do a missions trip, but I just couldn’t figure out what it was. I felt like I was rebelling against God, bc I didn’t know exactly what God wanted me to do. For a while, I thought it was the Ukraine and I was upset that my parents wouldn’t let me go. But I was so thankful that God opened my eyes to go to the Philippines. I knew it was Gods will. I am so thankful that I was able to experience my first flight and first time out of the country, by going on this missions trip. I was truly humbled by the grateful spirit of the Filipinos. I am so convicted of how ungrateful and discontent I get at times. God has done so much for me and I have so much to thank Him for. I hope to attend this missions trip as many times that I can, in the future.

Kimberly Burley

Going on the missions trip to the Philippines these past two years have definitely made an impact in my life. Having visited family before in the Philippines, I thought it would be another mini-vacation, but I was completely wrong. We were busy from day one and I enjoyed every bit of it. The biggest impact on me was seeing how many ministries both places had. Both pastors took advantage of any and every opportunity to minister to others and tell them of Jesus whether it was feeding children every Saturday or visiting the city prison. I am so thankful to be apart of these two teams and am excited to see how the Lord will bless the teams to come and the churches back home.

Mikel Simmons II

I wanted to come on this trip because of the children. My desire is to serve in an orphanage and school. The Lord blessed me with many experiences that I am most sure have prepared me for His future work He has for me. It was an incredible privilege to not only care for the children’s basic needs, but their spiritual needs as well. In the many ways that we served the struggling people over there, it was neat to be able to see familiar faces at the next area. We were able to be a blessing to them two or even three times! Thank you to everyone who made this experience for Christ possible

Melanie Krueger

These past two weeks were another eye opener of how needful people are of Jesus Christ. The people in poverty that we served need Jesus just as much as the wealthy people in the next town over. The Filipinos at the ministries we served have such a big heart for their own people that I became burdened for my own people. Even though Americans have had more opportunities to hear the Gospel than third world countries, God has never given up on me and I should continue to try to reach others around me. Happiness should not be based on what you owe in your life, but Who you have in your life. The Filipinos are a true example of having the joy of Christ in your life.

Megan Reedy

The Filipino people have stolen my heart yet again. No matter how many times I get to come to the Philippines, I am still so touched by the willing hearts of the people there. For me personally, it is much easier to win souls on a trip like this than it is to do it in America. This trip reminded me that it’s just as important to witness in the United States as it is to witness in a foreign country. I cannot thank the missionaries enough for all they do in the Philippines. The Lord truly blesses His people.

Holly Griffin

2014 Team Testimonies

The Lord really used the Philippines to be a blessing and eye-opening experience! It was humbling to come there to serve and pour out all that God has taught me, and to find myself being served and blessed instead! My favorite part of the trip was definitely the first week at Subic Bay Baptist Home with all the orphan children. I remember being so nervous and praying so hard that God would give me the right spirit-to love on these kids not so that they’ll like me, but that God would use me to be His mouthpiece. God really showed me that loving to give, rather than to be loved back, is so much more rewarding. During my time at Subic, God also gave me an opportunity to talk with Pastor Ronnie of Iram Baptist Church where he encouraged me to stay faithful in what God has for me now. Pastor Ronnie shared how the Lord led him in being a pastor and through his testimony, God showed me that seeking His kingdom first truly is more fulfilling. Pastor Ronnie told of how he and his family are poor, but God has still faithfully provided. Although I fervently am praying and hoping that God would choose me to serve in the ministry full-time somehow, He called me again to surrender this desire during my time at the Philippines. God is the One who chooses; He does not need us. In conclusion, the biggest lesson that God had taught me in the Philippines is to surrender the desires of my heart and to keep waiting on Him. “For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away (Luke 9:25)?”


This mission trip to the Philippines has been a huge learning experience for me. Being the youngest member of the team, I assumed that I could not be used by God as greatly as the rest of the team. How wrong was I. God works in miraculous ways and uses every situation as an opportunity to teach a lesson. I cannot put into words the impact that all the children from the Subic Bay Children’s Home had on my life. Their capacity to love far exceeds the expectations for children rescued of the street and from dire circumstances. Each child was such an example and blessing. Our team went to minister but truly we were ministered to by the children. At Payatas, we were overwhelmed by the living conditions but even more so by the people who lived there completely content with what little they had. Serving the meal to the children at Payatas was a great eye-opener. One of the biggest blessings was seeing a little girl at Payatas come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. At the teacher’s conference, it was amazing to see the fire and drive of so many teachers. The tender and willing spirit of each of the pastors and youth pastors at the pastor’s and youth pastor’s conferences was an encouragement. Whether we were at the Children’s Home or visiting Iram Baptist church, every Filipino we encountered had a glowing spirit. The love of Jesus was evident among the lives of most everyone we met. This trip was a wonderful learning experience.


The second week we went to assist the Tulabots. It was a blessing to be able to meet the missionaries we helped raise support for in the Midnight Mission Run at PCC and see how their work is benefiting from it! They have the feeding ministries for the people in Payatus, which is the site where their landfill is. Dr. Tulabot told us that there are over a million people living in that small area, and because of the situation due to the landslide there, it is a horrific situation. The people live off of the landfill, and we were told people jump on the dump trucks to claim the “good stuff” and ride it to the landfill. However, the workers there have been known to kill people there because they cannot see them due to the amount of trash. Because of this, the Tulabots are using the money from the Midnight missions Run to start an orphanage there, where children will be taught the Bible, school and fed 3 times a day. The last day, I was able to go to the dump site, and see how close peoples homes are from the mountain of trash, and how much these people are in need. It breaks my heart to see the condition of these people, and I was so glad to be able to be a part of the Tulabots ministries there.

I was prepared for a good trip, but I wasn’t expecting the ways God would show himself to me. God spoke to my heart about someday adopting a child from the Philippines, and that He wants me in full time ministry to be a missionary or a pastors wife.

Thank you to everyone who donated and helped me out, as this would not have be possible if you hadn’t, and each and every one of you were a direct answer to prayer. A huge thank you to Subic Bay and the Tulabots for all the kindness they showed us and everything they did as well! I made lots of Christian friends, had some fun, but also shed some tears too. It was an incredible experience, and I can’t wait to go back Lord willing! Until then, Salamat Po!


It’s difficult to use words to describe how good God is when words really are inadequate to describe how truly amazing He is. Through this Mission’s Trip God solidified in my heart what I already knew in my head to be true: Jesus + nothing = EVERYTHING. But just to be able to experience first hand and to be able to let His Spirit have free course over these last two weeks has been amazing – it is an understatement to say that God is truly marvelous and it is greatly humbling to have the wonderful privilege to serve our perfect Savior. There truly is joy in serving Jesus and there is no greater fulfillment in life than to have the privilege to express our love to Him in service. He is worthy of all we give Him and more. What a delight it was to spend time with the children at Subic Bay, and what a humbling experience it was at the feedings at Payatas. I know each team member can agree that through these last two weeks we have become more thankful for what the Lord has exceedingly blessed us with, and we have learned to be more content. God was able to show us how He views things from His perspective of how He truly is all that we need. We were privileged to be able to share Jesus with those who had little, and sometimes nothing at all – but when Jesus came into their life they became people who lacked nothing because Jesus is EVERYTHING. What a wonderful truth that we can cleave to and seek to live out: JESUS + nothing = EVERYTHING!


Children truly are a gift from God. The smiling faces, laughter, and singing of the children at Subic Bay Children’s Home will always be with me. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to go the Philippines. My heart will always have a special place carrying the memories of this trip. To think that God could use me to show His love makes me stand in wonder. God is a great God and He is the same in every part of the earth. The Christians in the Philippines really challenged me to seek the joy of the Lord and not become tired in well-doing because we know that we will reap if we faint not. Although the people of the Philippines may not appear to be rich, the Filipino Christians are some of the richest people on earth because they truly understand what serving God is about and are willing to sacrifice to share His love with others. We went to minister to them, but we were the ones who were truly encouraged. Only one phrase comes to mind when I look back over the past two weeks: “God has been good, so good; I have been blessed.”


I Thess. 5:24 “Faithful is he who calleth you; who also will do it.” I have seen my God’s faithfulness once again over these past two weeks. Before leaving for the Philippines, I prayed specifically for God to show me whether He wanted me to serve Him overseas or back in America. God didn’t answer my prayer until five days into the trip. During the midweek service at Subic Bay Children’s Home, Pastor Fulfer had several men stand up and pray. One of those men, Pastor Alvin Fulfer mentioned in his prayer that the Philippines avidly follows the American culture and it has affected every part of their life. He understood that our culture is not helping his church and it made me realize that if I can change a little of our American culture then it could in time change a little of the Filipino culture. God used a foreign missions trip to call me back to my homeland. Not only did God call me, but He also broke me over my materialism. I never knew how much I had until I saw how much these people didn’t have. The thing that convicted me the most though was their contentment and gratefulness for even a little bowl of rice that we gave them. They have nothing, yet they have joy. Praise the Lord for the souls we saw saved and the ones who were encouraged. He truly is faithful!


If there is one thing God has made me aware of on this trip it’s that there are so many kids in this world who more than anything else need Jesus and need someone to simply love them. I always thought it was cheesy or whatever when people came back from missions trips and told me they left part of their heart back in whatever country they visited. But when I left the Subic Bay Children’s Home I knew exactly what those people had been talking about. I have never felt anything like that before when I had to say goodbye to the kids there. I fell in love with them and made some friendships. They have constantly been on my mind. I learned so much from the week we stayed there. I think I finally learned what it is to love somebody and I learned like most people say when they get back from a missions trip, that I care way too much about my comfort and my material things. My selfishness has been revealed on this trip. And it occurred to me that I might be so selfish because of my prideful perspective thinking I deserve or am entitled to certain things. I now know that the most precious thing I own is my salvation that I do not deserve one bit. Another thing I was made thankful for is singing. The kids there sang not holding back anything. Which made me realize how prideful I am singing when I don’t sing as unto God, but rather just because it’s expected in church. So many things have taken on a new meaning for me and I cannot accurately tell you with words how much I have taken away from this trip. I really hope I was able to be some sort of lasting spiritual influence on the kids there. More than anything I want them to succeed and grow spiritually! I love them.


Being my first mission’s trip, I had no idea what to expect. Arriving in the Philippines, I immediately realized the major differences from the place I have been living all my life. This led me to see how ungrateful I have been for all of the blessings the Lord bestows upon me on a daily basis. In America, it’s so easy to become wrapped up in what you don’t have, rather than what you do. In the Philippines, there was such a spirit of joy, even in the lowliest of places. Contentment. One of the main things the Lord taught me throughout the trip. It made me feel so selfish. My outlook has truly changed on the value of “things” in life. Also, the Lord really renewed in me a love for people. As we were at the Children’s Home, my love for those children came instantly. They have become and forever will be a part of my heart, and I believe every one of us left a part with them. I’ve always known the Lord wanted me to work in some sort of ministry for Him, but I believe through this trip He has given me a greater burden to work with children. It’s hard to accurately put into words everything the Lord has shown me through this trip. I am truly grateful for the opportunity He has given me and I am so excited to put this energy forth into the ministries I am a part of at my own church.


This mission trip can be summed up in what I consider my life verse Jude 22. And of some have compassion, making a difference. From the kids at the children’s home to the random people we crossed paths with we were enabled by God to show Christ’s love and compassion and to make a difference for Christ. It was amazing to see what a simple smile or bowl of chocolate rice enriched with the love of Christ changed on the face and in the heart of a child. The people of the Philippines have changed my life: their love for life and contentment in the little they have has challenged me to do the same. God did a marvelous work in the people we were able to reach, but also God did a miraculous work in our team’s hearts. Only time will tell what God will do with the seeds planted, hearts watered, and souls reaped these last two weeks. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity God provided through the money and prayers of His people. And Lord-willing, I get that opportunity again!


Where do I start?! The Lord has absolutely been so good to our team this mission’s trip! Having gone the last two times as a team member was great, but the Lord gave me a great responsibility as one of the leaders of the team this time! It was great SERVING others and helping some of our first-time team members get adjusted to the Filipino culture!

One of the other highlights of the trip was speaking in several churches and conferences and just being an overall encouragement to the missionaries, college students, kids at the children’s home, and anyone that we came in contact with. This trip seemed more like an encouraging trip for the missionaries and a trip that allowed us to plant a lot of seed for the missionaries to reap harvest.

One major truth that I was made more aware of this time was how much it costs for the missionaries to operate. I need to pray more for them and pray about giving sacrificially for their support.

I am so thankful to the Lord first, and also to the Taylors and Mr. Alex Fulfer for letting this trip be possible. God is still working in the hearts and lives of people across the world. God is good and it is encouraging to see His hand!


The Lord has greatly blessed our team. It has been so amazing to look back and focus on all the ministries the Lord has allowed us to be involved in for the last two weeks. The common thread that bound all the Christian workers of the different ministries was their giving hearts and willingness to serve in any capacity they were asked to be involved in.

The smile on the faces of the children at Subic Bay Children’s Home will tug at my heart forever. The joy in their faces and the song in their hearts that came forth when they sang were a blessing to us all. The children’s home was truly one of the main highlights of the trip.

Another highlight was our visit to the hospital and having the opportunity to pray individually with the mothers for their new babies and leave the families with a tract. It was a blessing to look back and see the fathers reading over them with their wives looking on.

The public school teachers were so dedicated and hardworking. The conditions and number of children they were expected to teach were unbelievable. One teacher in particular cried because we gave supplies to the students and she couldn’t afford to, even though she wanted to so much.

I realize that I am not doing enough for the Lord here in the U. S. My heart has been touched to pray more, witness more, and use what he has blessed me with to see others saved. I want to go back and serve with the wonderful people that were such a blessing to us.


Unbelievable! Unusual! It has been an eye opening wonderful experience! Poverty, over population, limited space; homelessness is not hindering the GOSPEL or preventing the people from being one of the friendliest nation on the face of the earth! Pastors and teachers are used of God to do superior, sacrificial work! I was inspired and made more determined to help these ministries.

My mind and heart is made to appreciate how good God is to me, then to serve Him to the end! I want to go back very soon. Dr. Emmanuel Quizon, like Dr. Horton, is a man of great vision! Pastor & Mrs. Tulabot are soldiers on the battlefield not just in word but in deeds! The Hursts are transitioning because they are committed to seeing souls saved! To God Be The Glory!

Brother Ruffin

Getting a chance to talk one on one with the missionaries was a highlight of my trip. I was able to learn a lot from them about how to run my future ministries. I also loved spending a week at the children’s home. It gave me a chance to experience first hand what I want to do for the rest of my life.

The children at the children’s home were such an encouragement to me. The joy they had even though they didn’t have much was amazing! I can truly say that I was blessed and encouraged on this trip.


My second time in the Philippines definitely stole more of my heart than the first. Nowhere have I ever felt as home away from home. Being back at Subic Bay Children’s Home felt like returning “home” from a long vacation! Seeing the children and staff again was a greater blessing to me than I could have been to them.

This time was different, because this time I knew in my heart that the Lord has called me to full time foreign missions. While I am still praying for direction for a specific field, the Philippines remains very much a part of me. The people in this country, considered by today’s standards to be “third world” have more than most people will have in a lifetime. Those in the Philippines who know Christ have all they need in Him – true joy, contentment, and passion for their Savior – even if they may be lacking an abundance of material things. Our first day there, our brothers and sisters mentioned their hope and prayer was to be a blessing to us – to US, who had come to minister to THEM! The fellowship and joy we shared was not like that found anywhere I have ever been. These precious people refuse to let their circumstances determine their effectiveness for Christ.

My desire is to return to the Philippines as soon as the Lord will allow. I understand now what Paul means when he speaks of “longing after” his fellow believers in Christ. Truly the bond of Christian unity is stronger than any other. I know not where He will have me long-term on the mission field. Willing to go wherever He leads, I know He will guide and shape the desires of my heart as He would have them to be. Trusting Him to make the way perfect, I rest in His unfailing grace, and commit my beloved Philippine family to His keeping until He will open the door to return.


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