our 2018 team

Meet the members of our 2018 Philippines team! Read their bios below to learn more.

Sami Beals

Kamusta! My name is Sami Beals, and I’m a junior at PCC studying elementary education. I am from beautiful Northeastern Pennsylvania. My hobbies range from playing basketball for hours on end to reading my favorite Lori Wick books. For the past 5 summers, I have worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Eastern Pennsylvania to reach the children of PA with the Gospel. I plan on serving with this organization again this summer after my ministry in the Philippines is over. I have previously been on the YOM Philippines Team, and I am very excited that I can be joining the team again this next summer! God has definitely burdened my heart for the children in the Philippines. Please pray that many souls will be reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ this summer in the Philippines.

Katie Frary

Hey! My name is Katie Frary, I am 19 years old, proudly born in my home state of New York but raised in Pensacola, Florida. I love art , so I am currently studying in the graphic design program at Pensacola Christian College. For a few years now, missions has been an interest of mine. But last summer, my desire to reach out to the field that daily surrounds me was furthered as I was able to travel on my first missions trip to Missouri. I look forward to the opportunity to travel with the 2018 Philippines Missions Trip, and can’t wait to see all the blessings and growth God has in store for this summer!

Cortnie Long

Hi! My name is Cortnie Long. I am a sophomore elementary education major. I am so pleased to go back to the Philippines! When I was 15 years old, I surrendered my life to the Lord, and shortly after I began having a burden for the mission field. I’ve always grown up around mission work and missionary conferences at my church. I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the Philippines last year with the team and again this year God has opened this door. I am so excited to see how God will use me on this up coming trip!

Sylvia Moses

My name is Sylvia Moses. I am a senior elementary education major from Pensacola, Florida. Since I began college the Lord has developed within me a heart for children and for missions. I had the opportunity to be a part of the YOM Team Romania in 2015 and 2017. I am excited to be a member of the Philippines missions team for summer 2018! Both of my older sisters have been to the Philippines several times and have developed relationships with the people there. I am looking forward to doing the same! I am also looking forward to getting involved with my team members as we teach, lead in games, participate in church services, and spend time with the children and teenagers in the Philippines! I am eager to see all that the Lord will do in our lives as well as the lives of those we minister to this summer!

Coty Pratt

Hello my name is Coty Pratt, and I’m a pastoral ministries major from Norton, Ohio. Over the past couple of years at my church, I’ve been able to be a part of several ministries including having opportunities to preach, to work in our AWANA program, and to go door-to-door witnessing. I love to sing but you definitely don’t want me to lead it. I enjoy sports and particularly love to play basketball as I’m a part of our school’s basketball team. This will be my first missions trip and I cannot wait to see how God uses me and my team this summer! Please pray for many lost souls to find Christ!

Sam Robart

My name is Sam Robart and I am a 21 year old from Kansas City, Missouri. I am currently a junior at Pensacola Christian College studying to be a high school science and history teacher. Ministering to children has always been a huge burden that God has placed on my heart. God also calls every believer to be a missionary and spread the gospel no matter where they have been placed. By giving me the opportunity to go on this missions trip to the Philippines, God is allowing me to share in His mission to win a lost world to Him. I pray that I will be greatly used of God on this trip to be a blessing and win lost souls to Him.

Brennan Roberts

Hi! I’m Brennan Roberts, a junior secondary education major with emphases in physical education and science. I like playing all sports, most recently golf! I also like woodworking when I have free time at home. I sing all the time! I’ve enjoyed working or volunteering in children’s camp ministries the past 6 summers. This will be my second trip to the Philippines!

Cave Vidal

My name is Cave Vidal, and I am currently taking my master’s in history education at PCC. My hobbies are playing sports and reading books. I was born in the Philippines and lived there for 11 years. Last summer, I was blessed to be part of the missions trip to the Philippines. Once again, the Lord has given me another opportunity to be part of this year’s mission trip to the Philippines. I am excited to serve the Lord there, and be a blessing to the Filipinos.

Joshua Zacharias

Greetings! I’m Joshua Zacharias. I grew up in the small town of Elberta, AL and attended Berean Baptist Church there. At Berean, I was able to be involved in various ministry opportunities such as door-to-door, choir, children’s church, and the bus ministry. My parents homeschooled my siblings and me, and my dad kept my brothers and me busy helping him with his painting and window cleaning businesses. After high school, l enrolled at Pensacola Christian College where I studied pastoral ministries. In 2015, I began working at Pensacola Christian College as a Residence Manager and taking seminary classes at Pensacola Theological Seminary to prepare for vocational ministry. Having accepted new life in Christ, I want to spend my life telling others how they too can have new life in Christ! I’m excited to get a chance to spend the summer ministering in both the Philippines and Australia! Please pray that God will work in our team so that we can accomplish His will on this trip this summer!

View Team 2018 Photos

2018 Team Testimonies

I had no idea going into the trip how beautiful the Philippines were. The people amazed me in how they were so kind and giving even though they had close to nothing. The people were so open to hear the gospel and ministering to them was incredible. I loved being able to hold a basketball clinic and use the game to bring some happiness to the local kids and more importantly share God’s love with them. Getting close to the children at Subic Bay was very special and the highlight of my trip came when I got to lead one of those kids to the Lord. I would definitely recommend that everybody go on a missions trip if they have not gone on one before because God will use it to touch your heart in a very special way.

Coty Pratt
1st year

As I look over my trip, I don’t know how to even compile my thoughts simply to one paragraph. I think the one word that encompasses this trip would be LOVE. Not just my love for the country and people, but further evidence of God’s love through all the people that invested in me. The moment I stepped out of my room, children swarmed me, covering me in hugs and wanting to know all about me. It never stopped; these kids would bring me anything from a bamboo ring to letters with sweet words. I could’ve never imagined how quickly this place became home and how badly I want to return (already!). To say I was blessed is an understatement; God’s love can be found anywhere—through a smile, through a bamboo ring, or through kids in the Philippines.

Katie Frary
1st year

I am so grateful that God allowed me to go on this trip. My eyes were definitely opened to the things happening in the Philippines. The impoverished condition that most of the people lived in was a huge shock to me. But in spite of their condition, the people seemed happier than most Americans. I loved ministering to the people and the children. Whether it was singing, preaching, or handing out hot bowls of rice soup, God was able to use us to touch hearts. Most importantly, we were able to spread the gospel and plant precious seeds in the hearts of everyone we came across.

Sam Robart
1st year

What a wonderful opportunity to return to the Philippines for a second time! God has definitely burdened my heart for the Filipino people. It was amazing to have an immediate bond in Christ with the missionaries and Christians there! God has grown me in so many ways in just two short weeks. He has shown me how to truly love unconditionally and step out of my comfort zone to serve Him. Loving on the boys and girls in the children’s homes we visited was my absolute favorite part of the trip. I loved spending time with the children, singing with them, talking with them, and praying with them! Overall, it was an amazing trip. Thanks to all who helped make this trip a reality for me!

Sami Beals
2nd year

What a wonderful opportunity I had to return to the Philippines for a second time as well! God has burdened my heart for the Filipino people. It was such a rewarding time to return and get to know the people more one on one this year. God has strengthened my faith through so many ways. One of the ways my faith has been strengthened is that in every situation I need to give thanks and be grateful for what I have. The Filipino people don’t have very much, but with what they have they are grateful. They always have a smile. As Americans, we have so many things and opportunities. I have learned with these things and opportunities I have that I should be grateful. I have greatly enjoyed ministering to the Filipino people and am so excited that I have had this opportunity again to serve the Lord and tell the Filipino people that someone cares about them–that person is Jesus Christ.

Cortnie Long
2nd year

I’m very thankful for the opportunity that God gave me to be able to share the gospel in the Philippines. For over a year, going to the Philippines to do missions work had been in the back of my mind until God unexpectedly opened the door for a two week missions trip that has changed my life. The joy that Christians have in the Philippines is a genuine joy that only comes from Jesus and not the material possessions of this world. Many of us know this mentally, but to actually experience it firsthand is something that I hope I will never forget. Another unforgettable memory was being able to preach at a remote village that either takes three days to hike to or an hour boat ride to get to. It was at this island where I felt like I really experienced real missions work like Jim Elliot or Hudson Taylor. The village had about thirty straw huts amongst the surrounding palm and coconut trees. I had the opportunity to preach in a newly planted church with a straw roof, homemade wooden benches, and an unstable homemade podium. This is what I have always imagined real mission work was like in the jungles of Africa! I would be remiss if I did not mention the children. James says that pure religion is “To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction…” It was truly a blessing to be able to spend time with the children at the orphanage and especially to listen as some shared their background. I never realized how blessed I am until I heard of some unimaginable experiences that these children have gone through. It is truly amazing how God gives peace and comfort to these children after all they have gone through. Having a relationship with God gives new purpose and meaning to life no matter what anyone has experienced in this life. I thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave His life for us so that we may have peace with God and an eternal purpose for living our life.

Tim Krug
Team Co-Leader

Being a part of Team Philippines has been a great adventure culturally, socially, and spiritually. In the Philippines, I was exposed to a very different culture than America. I tried a variety of different foods such as adobo, chicken and fish cooked a variety of ways, and bird’s nest soup among other things. The Filipino markets were quite a different experience as well. Be sure to bring your best bartering skills and to hold your nose when you adventure into the “wet” market (the fresh meat section, but it maybe doesn’t always smell too fresh…). I learned a great deal from the Filipinos socially as well. The Filipino people are a very friendly, hospitable people. Their respect for Americans and hospitality for guests is amazing. They are extremely gracious hosts. In fact, it was a little frustrating. I went to the Philippines to serve, but the Filipinos served us so much it felt as though they were a mission team ministering to us! But I definitely realized the influence people can make on others by being hospitable and gracious. Finally, I was stretched spiritually in the Philippines as well. From preaching in the prison (which was a little nerve-racking) to preaching on the spot at the hospital, I definitely was stretched outside of my comfort zone. I also had the opportunity to preach at Subic Bay Baptist Church, and the opportunity was a great blessing. Finally, the ministry that probably took me farthest outside of my comfort zone would be the feeding ministries with Subic Bay Baptist Church and especially with Bethesda Independent Baptist Church in the poverty-ridden Payatas community. The conditions in which the inhabitants of Payatas live is unimaginable to the average American. Truly this ministry is “true religion” (James 1:27). I am very thankful for the privilege of being a part of Team Philippines.

Joshua Zacharias
1st year

When I first came to the Philippines I was initially apprehensive about what to expect. After spending just a few hours with the children at Subic Bay Children’s home, however, those fears vanished and my heart was overwhelmed with love for the people and the children there. The joy that fills their heart is contagious! Being here in the Philippines has opened my eyes to many things. First of all, people are more important than things. It was humbling to see these people be so generous and giving to us Americans when we have much more than they do. This experience showed me that loving other people is what matters the most in life. It is the greatest commandment,…. “love thy neighbor as thyself.” Another thing that I learned in the Philippines is that although we may speak a different language and look different, our hearts are all joined together in Christ and that is what makes us family. The Philippines has taught me the importance of giving people your time. Many of the children thanked us for just spending time with them. That form of gratitude opened my eyes to the true meaning of loving people and being genuinely interested in them. I will never forget the experience that I had here in the Philippines and Lord-willing, I would love to return some day to continue to serve these wonderful people.

Sylvia Moses
1st year

This year, the Lord has given me another opportunity to go back to the country where I grew up in for the first 11 years of my childhood. I’m always happy and excited to be able to share the gospel with my own countrymen. I love the Philippines, and I love serving the Lord in the Philippines. The trip was a superb blessing to me. I always say that I came to be a blessing to the Filipinos but they have been more of a blessing to me. It was an amazing time to have fun and to spend time with the kids in Subic Bay and in Quezon City. The kids were very kind as well as the staff. The missionaries have showered me and my teammates with great generosity. They fed as really well. I was excited to be able to help with their numerous ministries such as feeding ministries, canvassing, basketball clinic, youth rallies, and more. The Lord taught me many things such as patience, thankfulness, and gladness. The Lord continues to show me how great and loving He is. I’m thankful that I was able to use whatever I have to serve him. I continue to plan to go back as long as it is His will, not mine. The last two years have been just wonderful. A truly unforgettable experience. Mabuhay sa lahat!!

Cave Vidal
2nd year

Being a part of team Philippines again this summer was another great experience. Last summer was a great culture shock to me but this summer I had come to expect it. There were still moments when my heart was broken and I was taken back by it all, but I wasn’t shocked by the scene and the culture. It was good though, because it gave me a chance to focus on the people and not the place, because that is where the true ministry is.

Brennan Roberts
2nd year

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