Starting with a blast!

Metroview Baptist Church, Antipolo (Saturday) Welcome to the Philippines! Arriving on Saturday into Manila around noon, BIMI missionaries Chris and Ivy Hurst had their crew of three vehicles pick us up (and our 50-60+ pieces of luggage) to head to their home in...

Safe and sound in the Philippines

Just another quick note to let everyone know that we made it safely to Manila AND with all of our luggage too! Praise the Lord, and thank you for your prayers. As of now, everyone has headed to bed even though it was only 8:00 pm Manila time. Will head to bed as well...

Just Arrived in Taiwan

Thank you for your prayers for safety as we just arrived in Taipei, Taiwan, and are awaiting for our flight to Manila which leaves in about three hours. Although the team is a little tired and the weather is a little dreary outside, the team is excited as they get to...

Welcome Back and Heading Out!

After a long four-year hiatus (and cancelling our 2020 trip due to COVID), it is great to finally be back on the YOM Summer Mission trip roster. Along with Mr. Fulfer, it is also wonderful to have Mrs. Cirone assisting the ladies as God has given us a godly,...