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Saturday, we went out with some of the Bible students from Bethesda Baptist Church and did several Bible clubs and feedings in Payatas. Several of the girls shared their Bible stories and everyone got to help feed the children. Each child would bring a container for...

Thank You

Thanks, YOM Team Philippines from Pensacola Christian College for being a blessing again to our church and children's home. It is always an honor to host this godly group of students and staff. Galatians 6:9King James Version (KJV) And let us not be weary in well...

Friday—Schools and Concert

Friday we had the opportunity to visit two public schools in Payatas and give out school supply packs. We enjoyed singing songs with the children and using the wordless book bracelets to tell them about the Gospel. Friday night, we held a concert at Open Door Baptist...


Thursday was our second day in Antipolo. We started the day by doing two more Bible clubs and basketball games. Many children came out and enjoyed hearing the Bible stories and playing games with us. After the Bible clubs, we went back to the church to rest for a...

Monday and Tuesday

Monday morning, we were able to spend a few more hours with the kids from Subic Bay Children's Home. We enjoyed going to a local park and playing with them as well as having pizza for lunch. When we got back to the children's home, we had a meeting with the children...


Today was our first day in Antipolo with missionaries Chris and Ivey Hurst. When we arrived in Antipolo, we began passing out tracts and inviting people to church. The street we were on is one that Catholics use each year during Holy Week to get to a statue of Mary....

Sunday—Church Services

We held three different services today at different churches. We started this morning with Sunday school and church at Subic Bay Baptist Church. Several of our team members helped in the children's classes, and many others did special music for the service. Zeek...

Friday Family Fun Night

Today started with our basketball clinic at a basketball court in the middle of Olongapo City. We had about 40 players attend the clinic. The clinic helped the players practice their basketball skills and also hear the Gospel. This afternoon, our team played against a...

Thursday—Hospital, Basketball Game

Today, we visited one of the hospitals here in Olongapo City. Part of the team went around singing to and praying with many of the patients. The other part of the team passed out tracts and witnessed to many people outside of the hospital. We saw a few more souls...

Wednesday—Medical Clinic

Today was a busy day for us in Subic Bay. We started this morning with our medical clinic. Several of the nursing students were able to treat patient's needs by giving wound care and antibiotics to over 150 people. Thank you to those of you who donated supplies for...

We Made It!

After a long few days of traveling, our team has safely made it to the Philippines. Thank you for your prayers. Today, we are enjoying time with the children at Subic Bay Children's  Home and are resting so we are prepared for our busy days ahead. 

Team Testimonies

AMY BETH WALKER What touched my heart the most this year was the faithfulness of those in the ministry. The missionaries gave of their time, love and money to serve and seek souls day in and day out. During one of the feeding ministries, I had the opportunity to watch...

Going Home

We have thoroughly enjoyed our time in the Philippines. We have loved getting to know the people and the culture here. God has greatly blessed us, and we have seen many souls saved through the work that He has allowed us to do. Our hearts have been challenged by the...


Friday morning, we had the opportunity to visit another school in Payatas. At the school, we sang songs with the students and shared with them how they could know for sure that they are on their way to heaven. At this school, we donated 500 school supply packs for...

Basketball Clinic/Orphanage

Yesterday, we were able to have a basketball clinic with Dr. Tulabot. About seventy people came out to the clinic, and several raised their hands for salvation after the devotional time. We praise the Lord for how He worked. We were also able to spend time with some...